Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Curb balls

If life throws you a curb ball, make lemonade. Isn’t that what they say? Well, maybe not.

I just want the kingdom of God to be proclaimed and I want the gospel to be heard.

I’ve had and have some great people in my life that care and pray for me. I will never forget the love they show me. I’m forever grateful to God for them.

Why do I write all this? Because life is throwing me a curb ball. I know it’s happening to you as well. In Jesus we have victory. Don’t let the devil take away your song. Use what God has given you. A Swedish singer named Ulf Christiansson once said that God had told him to just use what he has. That’s very biblical and I often think about that. It doesn’t have to be all new and fancy. We make it to complicated sometimes. God said to Moses; -“What do you have in your hand?”

So here’s a song I sang in August at a radio interview in my home country Sweden. I made a video around it and I’m using it, hoping that you will be blessed. And that if you don’t know Jesus that you will want to know Him.
Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone!

Click on this Link
